Thursday, 31 March 2016


Pada minggu yang kelima dalam kelas Telekomunikasi & Rangkaian, Dr. Norasyikin telah mengarahkan kami satu kelas SPPJ untuk pergi ke Dewan Sultan Iskandar (DSI) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia untuk membuat tugasan kerana pada minggu tersebut berlangsungnya Pertandingan Inovasi dan terdapat banyak maklumat yang boleh diambil daripada setiap Booth dan ini berkaitan dengan subjek Telekomunikasi & Rangkaian yang telah diajar. Pada minggu tersebut, saya telah memilih satu Booth untuk membuat laporan iaitu saya memilih mengenai tajuk HTML MOBILE EDITOR.

HTML Mobile Editor HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language used to create webpages. It is consider as a basic computing skills required by the students to develop a website. However, most of the students usually struggle in learning HTML, especially for novice students who are first being introduced to the subject. Therefore, there is a necessity to assist students to learn how to code HTML using mobile application.

Apa yang saya faham, aplikasi HTML ini terdapat 3 fungsi utama untuk digunakan iaitu : 


Objectives :
·         To caters individual need in which it comprehends self-paced learning.
·         Provide and easier for students  learning in anytime and anywhere

Unique Features :
·         This mobile applications consists simple of comprehensive and interactive notes, lesson tutorial and    HTML editor.
·         Consists of lesson tutorial that reflects the scenario based learning.
·         Has editor that user can play around in designing and coding simple webpage for learning.

Commercial Value :
·     This application is different from existing applications due to the unique scenario based tutorials  which will enhance student’s thinking.

Benefit :
·      Will increase students interest in learning and there is a need among the students to have handheld  devices to support their learning so that they can learn at anytime and anywhere.

Outcome and Impact :
·         This application has the potential to compete with other mobile learning application in the existing market.
·         This application will be distributed on Google Play to reach audience, students on the other hand would gain benefits from this applications.

Description and studies about HTML Mobile Editor made research by students Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Noriesah Binti Ahmad Master in Education Technology under the guidance of three Supervisors.

Banyak pengalaman dan maklumat yang telah saya perolehi pada hari tersebut dan saya telah diterangkan dengan lebih lanjut mengenai aplikasi HTML Mobile Editor oleh pelajar Master UTM iaitu Noriesah Binti Ahmad. Akhir sekali, beberapa keping gambar saya ingin kongsikan kepada semua pembaca Blog saya untuk tatapan dan sebagai kenangan....INSYAALLAH dengan ilmu yang saya perolehi saya cuba kongsikan kepada semua semoga ianya bermanfaat.....AMIN.


Sunday, 27 March 2016


Kelas Telekomunikasi dan Rangkaian pada minggu yang keempat, pensyarah Dr. Norasyikin telah mengajar mengenai Bab Connecting a network (Part 1) : Cabling & Hardware

Dalam Bab ni yang pertama sekali akan belajar mengenai perbezaan antara Wired Networks dan Wireless Networks.

Wired networks : 
1) Physically connected using cables.
2) Example: Using conventional telephone cables.

Wireless networks : 
1) Use signals to transfer data.
2) Example: Television and radio network, cellular network.

Kedua-dua rangkaian tersebut adalah tidak sama dan berbeza dari segi :
  • Speed
  • Cost
  • Reliability 

Comparison between Wired Networks vs Wireless Networks :

Wired Home Networks :

1) Networking

The networking of the wired home networks are more faster as compared to other types of wireless networking devices because they are able to provide the speed of more then 1000 Mbps.

2) Cost Comparison

We need many expenses to configure or setup the wired home network. Because we need large money to spread the network of coaxial cables.

3) Advantages

More reliable
Faster internet
Transfer of data at a very faster speed

4) Cons

It can not provide mobile network
Difficult to lay down the cables and it looks very messy when install outside

Wireless Home Networks :

1) Networking

The networking of the wireless networking is good and better for the future resources but it is not faster as the wired home networking devices. Wifi is the common types of wireless home network that can provide the reliable working

2) Cost Comparison

As compared to other wired devices it is easy to setup the wireless networking devices at the very low and at the reliable cost

3) Advantages

You can Access internet from any place through hot pots
No hassles of cables
No need any kind of wiring for installation

4) Cons

Not very much reliable
Only best for mobile devices such as Laptops
Not faster as compared to wired devices

Seterusnya setelah belajar dan memahami mengenai perbandingan di antara Wired Networks dan Wireless Network, kami telah diajar oleh pensyarah Dr. Norasyikin mengenai Wired Network yang berkaitan dengan Cabling, Types of Cable, Types of Cable Connector, Types of Topology and Cable Used, Network Topology Comparison, and Types of Network Hardware / Equipment.

Wired network: Cabling

Cable is the medium through which information usually moves from one network device to another.

Wired network: Type of Cable

Several types of cable are commonly used with LANs. Three (3) types of cable :

1. Coaxial Cable

2. Fiber Optic Cable

3a. Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) 
3b. Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) 

1. Coaxial Cable

  • Originally develop to carry large number of high-speed video transmission at one time. 
  • Shield of braided wire to block electromagnetic signals from entering the cable
  • Used in telephone transmission outside home and cable for television delivery
  • More expensive than twisted pair but less susceptible to interference
  • Can carry more data quickly
  • Coaxial cabling has a single copper conductor at its center.

2. Fiber Optic Cable

  • consists of a center glass core surrounded by several layers of protective materials
  • Fastest delivery : able to transmit signals over much longer distances than coaxial and twisted pair. 
  • Transfers data represented by light pulses (billions of bit per second)
  • Each strand: carry data for several television stations or thousands of voice
  • Each strand: Only send data in one direction
  • Example: Unifi

3a. Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) 
  • Has 4 pairs of wires inside the jacket
  • Each pair is twisted with a different number of twists per inch to help eliminate interference from adjacent pairs and other electrical devices. 
  • A disadvantage : may be susceptible to radio and electrical frequency interference. 

3b. Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) 
  • Two individual wires wrap in a foil shielding
  • Shielding to help provide a more reliable data communication
  • Suitable for environment with electrical interference
  • Disadvantage: Extra shielding cause bulky

Cable Connector have a Three (3) Types :

1. Coaxial cable connector
  • The most common type of connector used with coaxial cables is the Bayonet-Neill-Concelman (BNC) connector 

• Different types of adapters are available for BNC 
connectors, including a T-connector, barrel connector, 
and terminator. 

2. Fibre optic cable connector
  • The most common type of connector used with fiber optic cable is the ST & SC connector 

3. UTP cable connector
  • The standard connector for unshielded twisted pair cabling is an RJ-45 connector (RJ=Registered Jack)

• Look like a large telephone-style connector

• A slow allows RJ-45 to be inserted only one way

Types of Topology & Types of Cable Used :

Selepas belajar mengenai jenis-jenis Topology dan Cable yang digunakan, kami semua telah diberikan aktiviti oleh Dr. Norasyikin di dalam kelas iaitu membuat lakaran mengenai jenis Topology yang sesuai digunakan dan jenis Topology ini berkaitan dalam sistem Perancangan Perkahwinan di Malaysia seperti penyusunan meja makan untuk tetamu. Saya dan Muhammad Johan Iskandar telah memilih Topology jenis Star. 

Network Hardware / Equipment

Networking hardware includes all computers, peripherals, interface cards and other equipment needed to perform data-processing and communications within the network. 

Dalam topik ini, saya telah belajar dan mengetahui ada 8 kesemuanya jenis-jenis Network Hardware / Equipment iaitu  : 

1. File Server
• A file server stands at the heart of most networks. 
• very fast computer 
• large amount of RAM and storage space, 
• a fast network interface card. 
• network operating system software resides on this computer, along with any software applications and data files that need to be shared. 

2. Workstation 
• user computers that is connected to a network are called  workstations. 
• configured with a network interface card, networking software, and the appropriate cables. 
• do not necessarily storage capability , files can be saved on the file server. 
• almost any computer can serve as a network workstation.

3. Network Interface Cards 
• provides the physical connection between the network and 
the computer workstation. 
• major factor in determining the speed and performance of a 
• Most NICs are internal, with the card fitting into an expansion 
slot inside the computer. 
• Some computers, such as Mac Classics, use external boxes which are attached to a serial port or a SCSI port. 
• Laptop computers - built-in NIC or network cards that slip into a PCMCIA slot. 
• The three most common network interface connections are 
– Ethernet cards, 
– LocalTalk connectors

– Token Ring cards.

4. Concentrator/Hubs 
• Central connection point 
• Transmit all data received to all node connected to the hub.     Regardless to which device the data being sent to

• Lots of extra network traffic, network less efficient

5. Switch
Both devices contain ports to connect the devices together via networking cables and to facilitates communication between the devices, but they differ in how they transfer data.
• Identifies the device on the network for which the data is intended and sends the data to that node only
• Can connect Ethernet, token ring, Fiber Channel or other types of packet switched network segments together to form an inter

6. Repeater 
• to boost the signal with a device called a repeater. The repeater electrically amplifies the signal it receives and rebroadcasts it. 
• can be separate devices or they can be incorporated into a concentrator. 
• used when the total length of your network cable exceeds the standards set for the type of cable being used. 

7. Bridges 
• A  bridge  monitors  the  information  traffic  on  both  sides  of
 the  network  so  that  it  can  pass  packets  of  information  to the  correct  location.  The  bridge  manages  the  traffic  tomaintain  optimum  performance  on  both  sides  of  the network 
• It keeps information flowing on both sides of the network, but it  does not allow unnecessary traffic through. 
• Can  be  used  to  connect  different  types  of  cabling,    or physical  topologies.  They  must  be  between  networks with  the same protocol.

• A network bridge connects multiple network segments.

8. Routers 
• Connectors that used to link different networks
• translates information from one network to another; it is similar to   a superintelligent bridge.
• select the best path to route a message, based on the destination      address and origin. 
• direct traffic to prevent head-on collisions, and is smart enough to   know when to direct traffic along back roads and shortcuts.

Selepas belajar mengenai jenis-jenis Network Hardware/Equipment kami semua telah diberikan tugasan iaitu Setup Network oleh Dr. Norasyikin iaitu membuat lakaran dan ahli kumpulan saya yang terdiri daripada Shahirah, Fatehah dan Vivian telah membuat lakaran tersebut seperti gambarajah di bawah.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016


Pada minggu yang ketiga kelas, pensyarah iaitu Dr. Norasyikin telah mengajar BAB 3 dalam kuliah iaitu tajuk COMPUTER NETWORKING atau dalam Bahasa Melayu dipanggil RANGKAIAN KOMPUTER.

Apa Itu Rangkaian Komputer?

Rangkaian Komputer secara amnya ialah sekumpulan komputer , iaitu dua atau lebih komputer yang dihubungkan untuk tujuan perkongsian maklumat.Rangkaian komputer selalunya diadakan dalam satu organisasi besar yang melibatkan banyak komputer di satu bangunan  atau bangunan-bangunan lain yang berdekatan. Rangkaian komputer mempunyai banyak kebaikan. Kebaikan-kebaikan mengadakan rangkaian komputer adalah:

Rangkaian membolehkan beberapa komputer berkongsi satu perkakasan contohnya pencetak. Ini dapat menjimatkan kos membeli pencetak untuk setiap komputer kerana setiap komputer yang dirangkaikan boleh dihubungkan dengan satu pencetak sahaja.
Rangkaian membolehkan setiap orang berkongsi maklumat , data dan juga program. Perisian tidak lagi perlu diinstall di setiap komputer kerana program-program yang terdapat dalam satu komputer boleh dikongsi dengan komputer-komputer lain yang dirangkaikan.
Rangkaian juga membolehkan perhubungan berkesan menggunakan mel elektronik (E-Mail).
Rangkaian membolehkan maklumat-maklumat dalam pangkalan data syarikat diperolehi dengan cepat.
Rangkaian juga memastikan keselamatan maklumat.

Sebenarnya, terdapat banyak jenis rangkaian dalam sistem komputer iaitu bergantung kepada kawasan Geografi. Antaranya ialah dikenali sebagai LAN, WAN, dan juga MAN
Seterusnya, kita akan belajar dengan lebih lanjut lagi apa itu LAN, WAN, MAN.


Selepas belajar mengenai jenis-jenis rangkaian komputer, kita juga mestilah tahu mengenai apa perkara-perkara penting yang diperlukan untuk set up rangkaian. Antaranya ialah :

1. Hots / End Nodes 
2. Transmission Media 
3. Network Electronics Devices 
4. Software / Application
5 Network Architecture Standards & Protocols

Seterusnya, dalam kelas pensyarah Dr. Norasyikin telah menerangkan dengan lebih detail lagi mengenai End Nodes, Transmission Media, Network Electronics Devices, Software and Ntework Achitecture Standards & Protocol.

1. Hots / End Nodes 

Merujuk kepada sumber data dan destinasi data.
Komputer peribadi
Mesin Teler Automatik

2. Transmission Media 
  • Untuk penghantaran data dan isyarat kawalan.
  • Bertanggungjawab untuk menghantar elektrik atau isyarat melalui media tertentu. Ia boleh disempadani (berwayar) atau tidak berwayar (wayarles) media.

3. Network Electronics Devices 
  • Bertanggungjawab untuk mengawal data dari sumber ke destinasi 
  • Menyediakan antara muka antara pemancar media yang berbeza atau untuk protokol yang berbeza
  • Untuk menyambung pelbagai rangkaian bersama-sama atau untuk menyambung komputer atau rangkaian ke internet antara contohnya ialah :
Front End Processors

4. Software / Application
  • Aplikasi pada nod akhir (apa yang akhir nod?) biasanya melibatkan teknik dan protokol
  • Protokol menentukan peraturan dan prosedur untuk menghantar data, menamatkan data, mentafsirkan data, masa kini data dan kawalan kesilapan
  • Perisian dalam fungsi rangkaian untuk memastikan data adalah dihantar ke destinasi masing-     masing
  • Untuk mengawal penghantaran data

5. Network Architecture Standards & Protocols

      Rangka tindakan standard yang menentukan :
  • Bagaimana peranti dalam rangkaian biasanya bersambung.
  • Bagaimana peranti boleh berkomunikasi.
  • Untuk memastikan kendalian antara pelbagai peranti dan peralatan yang dibuat oleh vendor yang berlainan.
  • Untuk membolehkan peranti yang dibuat oleh syarikat yang berbeza untuk bekerja atau berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain.

Network topology is the study of the arrangement or mapping of the elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a network, especially the physical (real) and logical (virtual) interconnections between nodes.

2 Types of Network Topology :

1) Physical
2) Logical

1. Physical topology : 
• The physical layout of devices on a network. or the way that the devices on a network are arranged      and how they communicate with each other.
• The way that the workstations are connected to the network through the actual cables that transmit

5 Types of Physical Topology :

1. Linear Bus

2. Ring / Star-wired

3. Star 

4. Tree / Hybrid 

5. Mesh

2. Logical topology : 
• how the systems communicate across the physical topologies.
• the way that the signals act on the network media, or the way that the data passes through the    
  network from one device to the next without regard to the physical interconnection of the devices.

2 Types of Logical Topology :

1. Shared media topology

• In a shared media topology, all the systems have the ability to access the physical  
  layout whenever they need it.
• Advantage : the systems have unrestricted access to the physical media. 
• Disadvantage : Collisions - If two systems send information out on the wire at the 
  same time, the packets collide and kill both packets. If add more systems to the 
  network, there is a greater opportunity for collisions.
  To help reduce the number of collisions, many networks are broken up into several smaller networks   with the use of switches or hubs, and each network is then referred to as its own collision
•Example: Ethernet

2. Token-based topology

• Have a token that travels around the network. 
• When a system needs to send out packets, it grabs the token off of the wire, 
  attaches it to the packets that are sent, and sends it back out on the wire. 
• As the token travels around the network, each system examines the token. 
• When the packets arrive at the destination systems, those systems copy the 
  information off of the wire and the token continues its journey until it gets back to the  
• When the sender receives the token back, it pulls the token off of the wire and 
  sends out a new empty token to be used by the next machine.
  Advantage : Do not have the same collision problems that Ethernet-based networks  
  do because of the need to have possession of the token to communicate.
• Disadvantage : Latency – Because each machine has to wait until it can use the 
  token, there is often a delay in when communications actually occur.
• Token-based network are typically configured in physical ring topology because the  
  token needs to be delivered back to the originating machine for it to release. 
• The ring topology best facilitates this requirement.